About Me

Not me, but my beautiful Mother showing off her awesome dress sense

Shwmae/hello, I am Natalie.

I grew up in a home where the bathroom shelves groaned with Avon Skin So Soft body oil, Diorella powder puff and of course Ponds cold cream. Nivea was thick, cold and came in a tin. It also seemed to survive for decades in my Grandmother’s medicine cabinet. Her house was a heady mix of these thick potions, calamine lotion and the faint hint of cigarettes (I know, terrible, but my Grandma made it look so glamorous). 

My mother and grandmother were fans of skincare, but equally the sun (a fact my Grandma denied, but we used to catch her illicitly soaking up the rays in the garden in her bra).  In the eighties, the advice was to wash your face with soap and water, and that factor 10 would probably suffice on a blazing hot day. I cringe. 

I was well into my thirties before I really started thinking about taking care of my skin.  Years of half hearted sunscreen application left me with pigment darkening due to sun damage, also known as hyperpigmentation.  

Anyway, a couple of decades down the line and I am pleased to say I’ve been looking after my skin, not by spending ridiculous amounts of money, but investing in good sunscreen and a few other essentials. I wanted to start a little online shop to sell brands and products that I’ve been using, but also to steer you to articles and blogs that will give you more knowledge on what your skin needs- if that’s what you want!

Since making really small changes to my skincare routine, which incidentally don’t include spending ridiculous amounts of money, my skin is feeling and looking better than before.

Dad & Mum on holiday before I was invented, 1968. They’re 100% not wearing sunscreen by the way.

I’m not crazy about anti-ageing language, as there is so much beauty and grace in growing older. But I do believe that ageing should not be synonymous with wrinkles and sun spots, that’s why the primary focus of this store is sun protection. I hope that  Perdita’s can simply offer some advice and a few lovely products that my skin tends to like.  When it comes to skincare there is currently information overload.

Obviously everyone’s skin is different, but this doesn’t mean that we need to be pouring every known product onto our faces in order to address a skin issue. I believe that with a handful of products, namely a good cleanser and an even better sunscreen, your skin will look and feel better.